I also converted a pulse pistol from a pulse carbine for my Inq28 Tau model, so that looks pretty cool. I did some googling and found various reference pics to use for ideas... (for the record, none of these pics or models are mine).
I've also been fleshing out my Inq28 character 'Mira', who was originally going to be based around the female Gaunt's Ghosts model, but I'm coming away from that idea. I saw a cut scene from the Space Marine game, and the female Cadian officer looked really cool (and yes, thats where I got the name from).
So she's kind of what I want to base my Mira on... unfortunately there ARE no female Imperial guard models. I did some googling, and someone, somewhere, some time ago made this cool conversion kit:
I'd kill for the model on the right. Its perfect, I don't know whose it is but I want it.
Anyway, unfortunately that conversion set, it seems, is no longer available. Which is annoying to say the least. I looked around and theres various conversion guides, but most involve sculpting with GS (something I'm not capable of) or using ugly models or things from other ranges. Not cool.
However I FINALLY found a site in AUSTRALIA that makes this kit:
I think that's as close as I'll ever find... I've emailed them to ask about costs and shipping etc, and am waiting to hear back. In the mean time I've ebayed some Cadian legs, accessories and the two arms from the model in the image above the one above.... if that makes sense. The ones holding the helmet and lasgun, from the new command sprue. So hopefully if i can get the above conversion kit I'll be able to make Mira!
In other news I've also started writing a story for my Inq warband, though I'm only 1000 words in, so I'm going to keep that all hush hush for now.
Ive also divided my 9 man Inq28 war band (my macbook pro keeps correcting warband to war band, so just go with it cos I can't be bothered to keep correcting it) into two smaller allied war bands, one for each inquisitor.
They break down like so:
Band 1:
Nate Carter
Mira Chase
Aun'ui Kais
Rico (cadian sniper)
Buck (harker model)
Band 2:
Aiden Veredus
The Commissar
The Assassin
I see band 1 as being a kind of 'hands on, feet on the ground' team with the second acting as support back up in the ship... or at least thats how its going in my story at the mo.
I've also become quite interested in starting a Tyranid army at some point. Yesterday my girlfriend mentioned she was playing dinosaurs with her nephew, and it got me thinking that dinosaurs would be a cool addition to 40K. Then realised they already existed in the form on Tyranids.... after doing some reading and watching the awesome film Starship Troops (Imperial Guard vs Tyranids: The Movie), I've decided that I'd quite like to make a Tyranid army at some point, as they're really different from anything else that I've ever collected. Though I think I should probably get my first 3 forces fully painted first!
... surely, though, the starter set and a hive tyrant can't hurt? and maybe one of those things that sounds like a trex? Money money money....
Anyway, everything else has kind of stalled until I get these bits I need... I also need to buy PVA glue, basing flock and undercoat everything before I can even THINK about starting to paint.
Oh yeah, and theres also that small matter of finishing my final year photography project for my degree. Had a whole year to do it, its due in less than a month... Really should probably start that :/
Finally i've been thinking about designing a smuggler ship for my Inq28 war bands (design, not make!)... but its difficult to get scale right! Im basing it on 1-in-game-inch = 1.8 real-world-meters... does that sound about right?
Im looking at the Millennium Falcon and Firefly as inspirations. All I've got so far in that theres two cargo holds, one for cargo and the other will house the Valkyrie and a Rhino. Im kind of using the table that all my models are sitting on as an idea for the size of the ship, so trying to convert that into real world dimensions, I think its about 70x35meters... but I don't really know (the table is 36x18 inches).
heres the table with models on for comparison:
Anyway, Im gonna go... do.. something.. I dunno. Maybe watch Starship Troopers 2!
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