Now I previously mentioned that I want to get into Inq28, because it seems like fun. But I'd also really like to keep at its 54mm bigger brother too. I said that I wouldn't bother though unless I found my old models... while that still stands, theres no harm in a wish list.
1.) Kal Jerico - I know, I know. You can't get him anymore and that sucks. Big time. Its actually the main reason that I'm reluctant to get back into 54mm Inquisitor, because I wouldn't want to do it without this model. Firstly, it's awesome. Secondly I'd want to make my Inq28 war band and the leader is based on Kal Jerico. Hence I want this model. Now I used to have him, so he is somewhere... I just need to find that damn box! If not... ebay maybe? I just watched one go for £30 earlier today, eep :/
2.) Inquisitor Eisenhorn - one of the best minis GW has ever made, and also one of my favourites. He was the basis of my original Veredus model, and now that I've made the character into an older man, I want to use good old Eisenhorn again to base him on. Cool. Mini.
3.) Severina - the chick on the left, is too cool. Again, part of my Inq28 team and so I want her for the 54mm version. Also really cool models. The one of the right can be sent to the bitz box!
4.) Arbites Judge - I actually already have him somewhere, so if i can find it, great. If not, I want him for the 54mm warband. Im thinking he can be the same character as the Commissar in the Inq28 version.
5.) Artemis - need I say more? I never bought him back in the day. Now I want him. Not for the warband obviously, but just cos he's cool.
Right, that really is all the models I want from GW now!
Of course... I also have a massive list of non-GW models which I think are cool. But we'll leave that or we'll be here forever!
Whats that? Go paint the ones you already have and stop looking at more? .... Maybe. I need to get paints and brushes first!
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